Click the thumbnails for full sized images
Originally the brainchild of one Alex Rinehart, CYBERRATS is a scifi-fantasy TTRPG that draws inspiration from XCOM, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the horrors of late capitalism. I’ve been the proud art lead of this project for the first two books and look forward to working on the third.
Covers/Splash Pages
I’ve had the privilege of working with a wide array of online streamers, mainly vtubers, creating graphics for merchandise and animations for streams.
Merchandise Images
Images produced for the creators Tia Singer and Tiffany Witchers‘ merchandise shops. Other assets also include work with Sam The Silkie, Spicy Bara and Giznizzle Grumplemeyer’s branding.
Veadotube Models
Simple animated rigs, prepped to blink and speak along with the streamer’s voice. Includes work for Wild Cherry Bomb, Dr. Rehaminator and Mushroom Gob Meadu
Click the thumbnails for full sized and animated images
Sexy Goblins
To be candid with you, if you got here from my linkedin page we can probably just tacitly agree you didn’t actually scroll this far. That said, as a character design exercise I regularly challenge myself to draw a new Sexy Goblin. The rules of the challenge is that each one:
1) must be attractive and
2) must be more of a Horrible Creature than the last one.
Say what you will, my anatomy skills and rendering has been improved exponentially by this series of projects and if you did NOT get here from Linkedin you’ll probably see techniques you’re fond of from my other work first being practiced here. Hence their inclusion.